1.  Online Payments may be made for Scheme Subscription (or Advance Purchase Plan) Remittances. They may also be made against Orders, Sales or any Outstanding Customer Balances.. They may also be made for any special schemes or offers for Pre-Booking/Purchases, etc as may be applicable from time to time.
2.  You will be asked to enter key information (Name, Mobile, Outlet, Payment For, Subscription/Plan Number) so that we can validate your payment. Please enter/select the appropriate information carefully on the payment page. If payment is being made for any other reason other than Scheme/Plan Remittance, please enter NA in the Subscription/Plan Number field.
3.  If you wish to make payments using AMEX cards, State Bank of India (SBI) Net Banking or HDFC Net Banking option, please select the second option, as highlighted below.

Terms And Conditions

1.  In case of Scheme/Plan Remittance Payments, multiple installments w.r.t a single Scheme/Plan at one Outlet may be clubbed & paid together. However, please ensure that you make separate payments for each Scheme/Plan.For example - If you have Plan #123 & Plan #456 at Dwarka & Plan #789 at South Ex, each for Rs.1000, & you want to pay for 2 months for each, your payments should be as follows -->           PAYMENT 1 - Rs. 1000 x2 = Rs.2000 towards Plan #123 @ Dwarka          PAYMENT 2 - Rs. 1000 x2 = Rs.2000 towards Plan #456 @ Dwarka           PAYMENT 3 - Rs.1000 x2 = Rs.2000 towards Plan #789 @ South Ex
2.  Some of the payment modes available are Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking, UPI & Wallets. You may choose any of the available payment modes for making your payment. The payment modes may change from time to time, and we reserve the right to change/modify/remove this facility as we deem fit.
3.  We may contact you for further clarification if we are unable to validate your payment. You will get an official SMS (with the updated Balance,  in case of Scheme/Plan Remittances) once your payment has been successfully validated. All official SMS communication from Manuvel Malabar Jewellers will be sent from our SMS handle MANUVL, Manuvl or manuvl. You may also receive WhatsApp notifications from our official WhatsApp channel 8083980839.
4. Successful Transactions will be validated by us within 72 business hours of payment receipt. You may collect the updated passbook/Transaction Confirmation Document thru email/WhatsApp anytime after the transaction window is complete.
5.  You DO NOT need to send us a confirmation email if you make payments using this page.
6. If you do not see a Payment Successful page, or if you see a Payment Failed/Cancelled page, it means that the Payment Was Unsuccessful. If any money has been deducted or processed by your Bank or Card Issuer or Wallet Partner, please do not worry as the money will be automatically refunded to its source within 24-72 business hours. If you face any trouble after this time, please contact your Banking Partner.

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